Pre-empt the Radiation or Die


Today, I've got a story that'll make you think twice about those hands-free mobile phones we all use. You remember President George W. Bush, right? Back in the day, he talked about something called "pre-emption" to counter the September 11 attacks. It's all about using force before an imminent threat strikes. Now, that idea got some updates over time, and we'll talk about how Professor Lawrie Challis has given it a new spin.

A Simple Solution to Radiation

Alright, so let's talk about this magnetic bead invention by Professor Challis. It's like magic - this tiny bead can practically eliminate the radiation coming from hands-free mobile phones. Imagine that! It stops those radio waves from traveling up the wire and into your head. Safety first, right?

Professor Challis is all for it, and he believes the mobile industry should make these beads a standard and use them as a marketing feature. Seems like a no-brainer, right? But guess what? The Mobile Manufacturers Forum wasn't too keen on the idea. They said, "Oh, our phones comply with all the safety standards, so we're good." Well, that's all well and good, but why not take the extra step for customer safety?

Learning from Past Mistakes

You know, sometimes industries can be a bit short-sighted. Look at the tobacco industry - it's a prime example of how ignoring health concerns can lead to disaster. Back in the '90s, they faced endless accusations and lawsuits, and their stock market value just went down the drain. Ouch!

Now, lots of other industries are feeling the pressure too. Pharma, food - if it's related to health, better watch out! So, what's the lesson here? If you're a big player in the game, it's in your best interest to prioritize health and safety.

Taking Care of Customers

Okay, let's be fair here. Professor Challis admits there's no solid evidence proving mobile phones are harmful to health. But hey, they haven't been around that long, so who knows, right? As the chairman of the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Program, he's got a point.

Plus, customers these days are a savvy bunch. They want to see companies going the extra mile for their well-being. When it comes to health, people get more demanding than rival companies, trust me on that!

Pre-empting the Attack

Here's where it gets exciting. Pre-empting the attack, that's the game plan! And that's where Challis's technology shines. It's a golden opportunity for mobile manufacturers. So why not grab it with both hands and run with it?

You know, I heard this interesting story about Donald Trump on the "Today Show" once. He talked about how he learned from his brother's struggle with alcoholism, and he went on to say how alcohol and tobacco are both terrible drugs. Now, that might be a bit sentimental, but he's got a point too. The tobacco industry faced some serious heat, but they managed to turn things around by expanding into non-alcoholic beverages and promoting responsible drinking.

Future-Proofing the Industry

Folks, it's all about thinking ahead. No signs of an imminent attack? No problem! We're talking about the future here. And Professor Challis's discovery could be the key to a healthier future for mobile users. If the industry turns a blind eye to this opportunity, well, let's just say customers won't be too happy.

So, come on, mobile industry! Let's step up our game and show some love to our users' health. That's the way to stay ahead of the curve and keep those customers coming back for more. And remember, it's always better to pre-empt than to wait for disaster to strike!

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