List of Famous Inventors in the World and Their Inventions


An inventor is a person who makes a new invention, which is usually a technical tool such as a mechanical, electronic, or software tool or process. 

Although an innovator can be a scientist, most inventors find something based on other scientists' knowledge, experimenting with the practical application and integration of that information, and developing and merging existing tools to produce useful new tools.

Copyright (Patents)

A patent system was created to encourage inventors by granting a limited-time monopoly on relatively fresh ideas. Recently, it has been discovered that this system is being abused, particularly in the United States, and some people are calling for a reform or even the repeal of the patent system.

Patents in the United States are based on the Constitution, thus innovators will continue to use them to protect their inventions for a long time.

The following is a list of the names of world famous inventors and their discoveries:

Albert Einstein - Germany - the theory of relativity.

Alessandro Volta - Inventor of the battery, Originated from Italy

Alexander Graham Bell - United States - Inventor of the Telephone (Old Version), LPs.

Alfred Nobel - Sweden - Inventor of dynamite.

Anthony Van Leuwenhook - The Netherlands - Inventor of the Lens.

Antonio Meucci - Italy - Inventor of the Telephone (New Version 2002)

Artur Fischer - Germany - Inventor of the Fischer dowel.

Benjamin Franklin - United States - Inventor of eyeglasses.

Benjamin Holt - United States - Inventor of the Tractor 

Blaise Pascal - France - Inventor of the calculating machine

Charles Goodyear - United States - Inventor of vulcanized rubber tires

Christian Buschmann - Christian Buschmann invented the Mouth Organ.

Christopher Sholes - United States - Inventor of the QWERTY typewriter, 1868

C. Marconi - Italy - Inventor of Radio 1895

Cornelius van Drebbel - Netherlands - Inventor of the submarine.

Elis G. Otis - American - Inventor of the elevator brake

Emile Berliner - Germany/America - invents the vinyl record.

Ernst August Friedrich Ruska - Germany - Inventor of the First electron microscope 

Evangelista Torricelli - Italy - Inventor of the mercury barometer

Felix Hoffmann - Germany - inventor of Aspirin.

Frank Whittle - England - Inventor of the turbo jet engine

Friedrich Karl von Drais - Germany - inventor of the bicycle.

Fritz Pfleumer - Germany - inventor of audio tapes.

Galileo Galilei - Italy - Inventor of the thermometer in 1593

George Eastman - United States - Inventor of the roll film and founder of KODAK, 1888

Gottlieb Daimler - Germany - invented the automobile and the internal combustion engine.

Hans Lippershey - Germany - inventor of the telescope

Hans von Ohain - Germany - Inventor of the Jet engine.

Heinrich Focke - Henrich Focke invented the Helicopter.

Heinrich Göbel - Heinrich Göbel invented the ball of light.

Heinrich Hertz - Heinrich Hertz discovered the electromagnetic wave theory of light and electromagnetic waves.

H. Lippershey - Inventor of the Telescope, 1608

Hugo Junkers - Hugo Junkers invented Civil Aviation.

Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky - Ukraine - Inventor of the modern helicopter

Irving Langmuir - Inventor of the filament

Isaac Newton - England - Inventor of the law of gravity

James Watt - Inventor of the steam engine Derived from England, 1765

JL Baird & CF Jenkins - England, 1920 - Inventor of Television -

Johannes Gutenberg - Inventor of the printing press, Derived from Germany

Josep and J. Montgolfier - Inventor of the rubber balloon

Julius Lothar Meyer - Julius Lothar Meyer created the periodic table of the chemical elements.

Karls Drais - Germany - Inventor of the bicycle.

Karlheinz Brandenburg - Karlheinz Brandenburg invented MP3 technology.

Levi Strauss - Germany - invented Jeans.

Louis Jacques Mandé daGuerre & Edwin Land - United States - Inventor 

Melitta Bentz Camera - Melitta Bentz invents filter coffee.

Michael Faraday - Inventor of the Dynamo, Originally from England, in 1831

Murdocks - Inventor of the train, Originated from England

Nikolaus Otto - Germany - Inventor who developed the Combustion Engine in

Nikola Tesla - Inventor of the Motor

Konrad Zuse - Konrad Zuse created the greatest invention of all time, the Computer.

Otto Hahn - Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission.

Otto Lilienthal - Otto Lilienthal invented Gliding flight.

Peter Henlein - Peter Henlein invented the pocket watch.

Philipp Reis - Philipp Reis invented the Phone.

Rene Laennec - France - Inventor of the Stethoscope

Robert Koch - Robert Koch invented a method for purifying anthrax bacillus from blood samples and developing pure cultures.

Rudolf Diesel - Rudolf Diesel invented the combustion engine.( Diesel engine), Originated from the United States, in 1897

Rudolf Hell - invented the Scanner.

Robert Boyle, John Walker - Inventors of Matches 

Robert Fulton - Inventors of Fireboats, Originated from the United States, in 1807

Samuel Hahnemann - Samuel Hahnemann discovered Homeopathy.

Samuel FB Morse - Inventor of the Telegraph - United States, 1837

Sir Ernest Swinton - Inventor of the Tank, Originally from England

Sir F. Whittle - Inventor of the flying balloon

Thomas Alva Edison - Originated from the United States - Inventor of the light bulb, film projector, 1893

Manfred von Ardenne - Germany - invented television

Werner von Siemens - Werner von Siemens invented the Dynamo.

Wilbur and 0rville Wright - United States 1903 - Inventors of the Airplane

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen - Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers X-rays.

Williarn Sturgeon - Originally from England, 1823 - Inventor of the Electromagnet

Willis Haviland Carrier - United States - Inventor of Modern AC

Zacharias Janssen - Inventor of the Microscope, in 1590

That's a list of the names of the world's famous inventors and their inventions. Hopefully this information is useful and useful for you.

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