All Information about the Planets


All Information about the Planets

In the next few post articles we will learn more about our solar system, especially those related to planets.

Earth is one of the planets in the solar system cluster, with the Sun as the center of its revolution. The solar system is a number of celestial bodies attached to one star as the center of gravity.

In this case, the Sun is the center of gravity. The celestial bodies in the solar system consist of planets, satellites, asteroids, meteors, and comets.

In the solar system there are eight planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

All of the planets periodically revolve around the Sun (revolution), besides each planet also revolves around its own axis (rotation).

The revolution and rotation of each planet has a different time. Depending on the distance of each planet from the Sun. Besides Mercury and Venus, the other six planets have satellites. This means that the six planets have celestial bodies that regularly revolve around them for a certain period.

The moon (moon) is known as the satellite of the Earth. Deimos and Phobos are two satellites of Mars; Ganymede, Io, Callisto, and Europa are the moons of Jupiter; Saturn has 60 satellites, one of which is named Titan with a size larger than Mercury; Uranus has 27 satellites, including Titania, Ariel, Umbriel, Oberon, and Miranda; while Neptune has 13 satellites, one of the largest is named Triton.

Pluto was once considered one of the planets in this solar system cluster. However, scientific developments suggest that Pluto is no longer considered a planet, but a dwarf planet.

The reason is because Pluto is still in the trajectory of the Kuiper Belt so that in Pluto's environment there are still celestial bodies other than its satellites.

A planet is defined as a planet, one of which is if in the environment there are celestial bodies other than its satellites. The change in Pluto's status is based on the agreement of Astronomy experts at the meeting of the International Astronomical Union on August 24, 2006.

Planetary History and Planet Name History 

The five planets closest to the Sun besides Earth, namely Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, have been known since the past because all of these planets can be seen with the naked eye.

Aristotle introduced the names of the gods in mythology for these planets in the 4th century BC. 

Hermes is used for Mercury, Ares for Mars, Zeus for Jupiter, Kronos for Saturn, and Aphrodite for Venus.

As science progressed, the term "planet" changed its meaning from something moving across the sky to an object moving around the Earth.

When the heliocentric model was dominant (19th century), at that time planets began to be considered as something that orbits the Sun and Earth is just a planet.

Until the mid-19th century, all visible objects around the Sun were called planets. The number of planets is growing rapidly and in large numbers at the end of this century. 

Throughout the 1800s, astronomers began to realize that many recent discoveries were not the same as the traditional planets. Objects such as Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta, which had been classified as planets for nearly half a century, were finally classified under a new name, namely asteroids.

In this context, the absence of a formal definition causes a planet to be defined as a large object orbiting the Sun. There is no need to define the boundaries of understanding because the sizes between asteroids and planets are very different. 

Furthermore, in the 20th century, Pluto was discovered. Early observations of Pluto stated that Pluto was larger than Earth.

IAU (Union astronomique internationale) finally accepted the object as a planet. On closer inspection found that the object was actually much smaller than initially thought. However, because it is considered larger than all known asteroids and does not appear to exist in large populations, the Union astronomique internationale has not changed its status for about 70 years. 

In the 1990s and early 2000s, there were many discoveries of objects like Pluto in relatively the same area. Pluto was found as a small object in a population numbering in the thousands, just like Ceres and asteroids in earlier ages.

More and more astronomers want Pluto to be redefined from a planet because it is triggered by the increasing discovery of similar objects.

The discovery of Eris, an object more massive than Pluto, which was later widely shown to be the tenth planet, led to this growing popularity. 

On August 24, 2006, based on a vote, the IAU finally made a new definition of the planet. As a result, the number of planets in the Solar System is reduced to eight large bodies that have successfully cleaned up their environment (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). Meanwhile, a new class has been created, namely dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto and Eris). 

Planets - Planetarium

Planetarium is a place that plays a simulation of the 'life' of the solar system. In a planetarium there is usually a theater, where the simulation is held. 

Shows are usually held at night. In addition, the planetarium offers its visitors the opportunity to study astronomy in general.

Natural phenomena in the form of clusters of the solar system is an amazing regularity. Its existence shows the existence of life until the end of time. We can observe and study the solar system by visiting the planetarium.

The roof of a planetarium is dome-shaped. Unlike observatories, although they are both dome-shaped, planetarium domes cannot be opened and closed.

This is what distinguishes a planetarium from an observatory. However, there is also a planetarium which is also an observatory.

In the display room of a planetarium, there is a collection of images reflected on the projector. This projector is usually located in the middle of the show room and demonstrates various stories with certain narratives about the 'life' of the universe.

In addition, the show is also accompanied by music.

Each seat in the performance hall can be reclined so that visitors can also observe the performance on a screen placed inside the dome ceiling. Usually the show takes place according to the theme offered at each planetarium.

There are 3,300 planetariums worldwide, the most in the United States, with 1,500 planetariums. In Europe, there are at least 450 planetariums. In Indonesia, there are three planetariums, namely in Jakarta (Taman Ismail Marzuki, which doubles as an observatory), in Kutai, East Kalimantan, and in Surabaya.

Planets - Planetariums in Indonesia

There are 3,300 planetariums worldwide. The planetarium in Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta is the oldest planetarium in Indonesia. This planetarium was founded in 1964 at the initiative of the then-presidential president, Ir. Sukarno.

Apart from being an educational facility that presents performances about space, this planetarium has a museum as an exhibition space for various astronomical knowledge related to celestial bodies and the universe in general.

The show which is presented at Planetarium Jakarta has a running time of about 60 minutes. There are 9 titles of shows which are presented alternately.

If you are interested in learning more about the 'life' of the universe, you can observe it directly by visiting the museum in the planetarium. Apart from that, of course, you can't just miss participating in one of the show programs, such as the one offered by Planetarium Jakarta. You can visit one of the planetariums closest to your area.

Knowing the Characteristics of the Planet Mercury

The characteristics of the planet Mercury are one of your material knowledge about the wealth of the universe. The planet Mercury will indeed be difficult to see clearly from Earth, only at sunrise and sunset you can see it. The planet Mercury has a hot temperature because it is close to the sun. In addition, Mercury is similar to the moon and has many craters.

Controversy about the explanation of the planet mars

Natural science lessons about the solar system introduced the seven planets that revolve around the sun. The names of the planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus. In the following, an explanation of the planet Mars will be described further.

Color Dynamics of the Planet

Have you ever looked up at the vast sky? And have you ever thought for a moment what was in the vast sky? Maybe the first thing you notice is the moon, at night. Because the moon looks so attractive with its bright and shining yellow color. But is the moon one of the planetary clusters in this vast universe? And is it true that the moon is shining? And do the other planets appear as bright as the moon?

Life on Mars? Is it possible?

Life on Mars? Can this really happen? The planet Mars has indeed become the object of research regarding its condition which is similar to Earth. Thus, estimates that life on Mars could occur are quite large. However, is it true?

Looking for Earth-Like Planets

Could there be Earth-like planets in the universe? The answer may be, because NASA has found several planets that are very Earth-like and are believed to have water sources like those in this world. It is also believed that it is not only similar to Earth in terms of shape and structure, but also can be inhabited or inhabited by humans. Meaning, Earth is not the only planet that can be inhabited by humans.

In Roman mythology, the name Planet Jupiter (Jove), was used as the name of the king of the gods (the god of the light of the sky and air)―the equivalent name for the largest object (of the planets). In natural science, to be precise, astronomy and our solar system (the Milky Way Galaxy), Jupiter is the largest planet.

All About Planet Neptune 

Planet Neptune is the eighth planet that is farthest from the sun. In addition, Neptune is also the fourth planet with the largest size with a diameter of approximately 49,530 kilometers. However, if calculated according to its mass, it becomes the third largest planet. Compared to the Earth where humans live, the mass of the planet Neptune is seventeen times larger.

The Mystery of the Unique Planet 

Venus Planet Venus is the second planet in the Milky Way solar system. The planet Venus can be seen with the naked eye. Do you know about the mysteries of this planet? This planet turns out to have a unique mystery. You're curious, aren't you? See the full discussion only in a future article.

Planet Jupiter - The Giant Planet

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Planet Jupiter? If you know, this planet is the largest in size when compared to other planets. In the world of astronomy, we know there are nine names of planets that revolve around the sun. However, in 2006 scientists agreed not to list Pluto as one of the planets. So, the total number of planets in the solar system is only eight. One of them is the planet we inhabit today.

Planet Saturn - Beautiful Ringed Planet

Planet Saturn is arguably the most beautiful and amazing planet in our solar system. That's because the visual appearance is indeed unique and distinguishes it from other planets. The typical character of the Planet Saturn is often found in ancient mythological stories in various ethnic groups. 

The uniqueness of this planet lies in the ring that surrounds the Planet Saturn. Similar rings are not owned by other planets. Therefore, the planet Saturn is often also called the ringed planet.

Planet Earth - Habitable Blue Planet

In our solar system, planet Earth is the third planet after Mercury and Venus. Planet Earth, also known as the blue planet, is very old, reaching more than 4.6 billion years. Planet Earth is called the blue planet because it has layers of air, namely the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. This layer of air then makes the planet Earth look blue when viewed from space.

Planet Mercury, Smallest But Fastest

Since our school days, the name Planet Mercury is certainly familiar to us. Or maybe for students who are currently still in school, the lessons about planets that are usually found in Natural Science lessons must discuss this Planet Mercury.

Planet Uranus is the Father of Planet Saturn 

Planet Uranus is the seventh planet in our solar system. The planet Uranus is the third largest planet in our solar system after Jupiter and Saturn. The planet Uranus is also the fourth largest planet in this solar system. The planet Uranus has a rotation time of 17 hours 14 minutes or faster than Earth's 24 hours.

Venus Eclipse - The Beauty of the Sky Phenomenon

Not many know that the planet Venus also experiences an eclipse which is known as an eclipse of Venus. The news about the solar storm that is currently rife is increasingly closing the news about the Venus eclipse. Even though the eclipse of Venus is also an interesting natural phenomenon to observe. This amazing event happened on May 16, 2010.

Getting to know Mars

Since elementary school, we have often received lessons about the planets in outer space, including Mars. The planet Mars was famous and became the talk of scientists when the discovery of an atmosphere and rocks that were almost similar to rocks on earth.

Discovery of More than 400 New Planets 

So far, we only know the names of 8 planets in the universe system. Did you know that every year researchers discover many new planets? Even if the number is calculated from year to year, the number of new planets discovered reaches 400 planets. Surprised?! You're welcome! How about we take a look at the article below!

Getting to Know the Planet Mercury Closer 

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Mercury is also the planet closest to the sun, so its surface temperature is very hot. Like the moon, Mercury's surface is dotted with craters resulting from collisions with meteors and other celestial bodies.

Planet Pluto - Planets That Are Not Planets

Planet Pluto is the ninth planet. But, now its status as a planet in the solar system has been crossed out. What caused it? The planet Pluto cannot be categorized as a planet because of its size and content. What are the facts on Pluto? An upcoming article will cover it for you.

Get to know Mars, the Red Planet

Mars is a planet smaller than Earth. It is located next to the earth. Scientists believe that once there was water on the surface of Mars. Does this mean that there was once life on Mars?

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