Human Cultural Evolution: Unraveling Truth Amidst History's Mysteries


Hey there, folks! Today, we're diving deep into the fascinating realm of human cultural evolution. Buckle up because we're going to explore some intriguing ideas and evidence that might just flip our understanding of history on its head!

The Ancient Struggle of Gods and Mortals

When we take a step back and look at the big picture, it becomes apparent that the traditional religious representation of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic God might not be as straightforward as we once thought. The rich history of paganism stands tall beside the often re-written Bible, presenting alternative perspectives. 

There's a sense of separation that pervades: man from his soul, man from his equal (woman), man from nature, and man from all that is good. But maybe, just maybe, there's a chance for a new savior to rise, like Melchizedek or someone from the unuttered pages of the Bible, urging us to do as Jesus did and find the loveliness in all of nature!

Challenging the Status Quo

Now, let's be real here, folks. When we start questioning the established norms, there will be those who won't take kindly to our ideas. But that shouldn't stop us from seeking the truth! We have some incredible scholars on board, but even with their expertise, we're up against some resistance. The so-called "powers that be" aren't likely to support a revolutionary shift in knowledge.

Ancient Wisdom and the Hermetic 'Cults'

We can learn a lot from history, and if we look back to Egypt and Greece, there were some seriously intriguing "cults" – not in the sinister sense, mind you! These were groups like Isis and Osiris, founders of Egypt who weren't considered Gods. But as time passed, even great figures like the prophet Jesus fell victim to hero worship, with priests interpreting their legacy as "cults."

Unraveling the Threads of Truth

Here's the kicker – as we dive into history's depths, we'll encounter a real minefield of information. It's a challenging journey to sift through all the layers and discover the essence of truth. But amidst it all, I see glimmers of truth like naturally growing nanotubes and intelligent design in the universe. Hey, have you heard of Dembski? He brings a fascinating perspective, showing that there might be more to evolution than meets the eye. It's not all about survival of the fittest; love and purpose play a role too.

Shedding the Chains of Ignorance

Friends, it's time to break free from the chains of ignorance imposed by the experts of mechanistic professionalism! We've had enough of their fads and fictions that hinder our progress. Remember the time when the Parisian "experts" dismissed Edison's phonograph as a ventriloquist act? Yeah, that's the kind of ignorance we're up against.

Unraveling the Threads of Human Migration

Now, let's talk about the fascinating trails of human migration. They're like a puzzle, and every piece holds a clue to our past. Take the garden bean, for example. Its journey from Europe to America and back again tells us a lot about the interconnectedness of cultures. And don't even get me started on the trans-Pacific movement of lima beans and jackbeans!

Revisiting Preconceived Notions

History is riddled with preconceived notions and assumptions. The prevailing paradigm often shuts down alternative ideas. But we won't be deterred! We'll keep exploring the evidence that challenges the established beliefs, like the presence of Phoenician purple dye in both Peru and Mexico. Oh, and by the way, those megaliths and henges scattered across the globe? They're part of a grand Neolithic Library system that celebrates human growth, tolerance, and equality.

Embracing the Journey

So, my friends, let's embark on this journey of discovery with open minds and courageous hearts. We'll question the norms, challenge the status quo, and uncover the threads of truth woven into the fabric of history. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it. Together, we'll shed the shackles of ignorance and reach for the light of understanding!

In the words of Barthold Niebuhr, "He who calls what has vanished back above into being, enjoys an empyrean like that of creating." Let's dive into the depths of history, folks, and bring forth the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors!

Alright, folks, there you have it! An adventure into the mysteries of human cultural evolution. Buckle up and get ready to question the norms, challenge the experts, and embrace the pursuit of truth. Remember, history is not set in stone – it's an ever-evolving narrative waiting for us to uncover its secrets. Until next time, keep seeking knowledge and exploring the wonders of our world!


Darwin's Century, Evolution and the Man Who Discovered It, by Loren Eisely, 1958, Doubleday, 1961, pg. 187. 

Sea Routes to Polynesia, by Thor Heyerdahl, with editorial notes by Karl Jettmar, Ph.D., Professor of Ethnology, Univ. of Heidelberg, and a foreword by Hans W: son Ahlmann, Ph.D., former President of the International Geographical Union, 1968, Futura Publ., ed., 1974. Könicke (1885, p.136) is cited from pg. 73.

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