Utilizing Water Sourced Energy

Utilizing Water Sourced Energy

Sources of natural energy consist of water energy, wind energy, and solar energy. Later development then became more when nuclear energy was discovered.

Solar energy is still being developed into alternative energy because of its abundant availability. From there then every energy is converted into various kinds of needs to support life.

Converting electrical energy into heat energy occurs in irons, hair straighteners, hair dryers, and others. Electrical energy is converted into light energy such as lamps, televisions, and others. Then electrical energy is converted into sound energy, for example, occurring in radios, speakers, and others.

Various kinds of energy which later became an inseparable part of human life to meet daily needs.

Energy is like the law that energy cannot be removed and energy cannot be created. Energy continues to exist that disappears only the source of the energy maker. Recently, after the diesel engine was discovered, the need for energy has increased.

In the past, this increase was not considered a threat to energy sustainability, but then when the need is getting bigger while the sources are running low, then everyone is competing to find alternative energy sources.

Call it the fuel for motion energy like a car, namely gasoline made from the remains of ancient fossils.

But now that hundreds of millions of cars are on the roads around the world, the need for fuel becomes even more pressing. This is where renewable energy comes from and non-renewable energy.

Non-renewable energy is energy whose availability is limited. Usually sourced from fossils such as coal, petroleum, and other mined energy. While renewable energy is energy whose availability in nature is not limited, such as water, wind, and sun.

Limited energy such as petroleum also produces negative impacts on human life such as pollution and pollution.

Air pollution due to exhaust fumes that emit carbon monoxide or CO has an impact on the destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere layer. After that the destruction of the ozone layer causes the earth to experience global warming which is called global warming.

The effect of global warming is that the temperature of the earth's surface increases so that an increase in temperature results in the melting of the ice surface at the North Pole and the South Pole.

There are many more effects of this global warming on the earth and life on it, such as the chaotic cycle of the rainy season and dry season in the tropics.

Starting from the energy that comes from oil mining then the effect on global warming, maybe in ancient times when the motion energy conversion machine was created it wasn't this bad.

Likewise, the smoke from factories that produce many things, for example a factory that intentionally throws its smoke into the air will be caught by rain clouds. The next effect is acid rain.

Acid rain kills plants and in some countries in Europe, acid rain causes ancient art sculptures to be slowly damaged by acid exposure brought on by rain.

This factory smoke has long been a problem even in places when Europe was experiencing a golden age with various inventions in its country.

Utilizing Energy From Water

This water energy has long been used under the name hydropower or hydroelectric power. With the water that drives the turbine then the turbine drives the dynamo and from there the electricity flow is obtained.

The sustainability of this energy depends on the flow of water, the better and more consistent the flow of water from upstream, the longer the energy life.

In contrast, if the flow from the upstream is disturbed due to drought, the turbine cannot run and the electricity can die because there is no constant driving force for the turbine and waterwheel.

In the city of Bandung and its surroundings, there are at least 3 power plants that use water as their energy.

In Dago, Padalarang, Cirata, and Pangalengan (Indonesia) there are hydroelectric power plants. In Dago, it has even existed since ancient times when the Dutch were still in Indonesia.

The Hydroelectric Power Plant in Dago Bengkok is still operating even though its scale has been lost to the Power Plant in Saguling and Jatiluhur. Hydroelectric power plants have close historical and environmental links.

In the past, when the northern area of ​​Bandung was still green and not damaged, the condition of the water continued to be maintained, but now when there are many settlements in North Bandung, it is often heard that the flow of water is disturbed because the discharge is decreasing.

Likewise, when the dry season hit the city of Bandung and its surroundings when the Citarum river flow decreased, the Saguling dam, which holds water to drive the turbines at the Saguling hydropower plant, experienced a shortage of water supply to drive the turbines. Luckily it didn't stop operating.

There is another problem that then becomes an obstacle to the use of energy that comes from water, namely waste. 

Garbage that flows in the river turns out to be a problem when it accumulates in the turbine and requires extra hard work from the officers to clean from the piles of garbage carried by the river water.

Far in remote areas, the use of energy from water in many ways. For example, it is known as PLTMH or Micro Hydro Power Plant.

With a simple turbine or windmill and dynamo, local people take advantage of the abundant water source. The placement usually uses a waterfall or uses a new stream so that the water slides fast.

The use of water for electricity generation in rural areas or remote areas far from the city is more cost effective because it does not require expensive facilities and infrastructure such as long cables from source to users or large concrete poles.

Usually it is enough with simple equipment with poles made of bamboo or trees or even some areas are enough to be connected to tree branches and electricity to illuminate a village can be enjoyed.

Utilization of energy sourced from water, especially in remote areas, must be supported by the government by providing affordable and easy-to-use equipment. Local government support means a lot compared to having to build a new electricity grid.

Creating a new network is usually more expensive and tends to be political with tortuous licensing and usually takes a long time. For the sake of effectiveness and community empowerment, it is better if the government's real support for the community can be realized by building PLTMH-PLTMH in remote areas.

There are many more uses of energy that comes from water, besides making electricity to turn on lights which then illuminate distant villages, they also make rice mills that are driven by water wheels like what was done in a village far away in Japan.

Water is a renewable energy source but the existence of forests as a buffer for water reserves must also be considered. Thus the discussion about water energy that can be conveyed, may be useful.

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