7 Biotechnology Jobs That Are Changing the World

7 Biotechnology Jobs That Are Changing the World

7 Biotechnology Jobs That Are Changing the World

Biotechnology is one of the fastest rising fields in the workforce today. That’s because biotechnology has a leading role in creating both jobs in the American economy and progress in the medical, biological and other fields. Jobs in the biotechnology industry are expected to rise at a much higher rate than other fields, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This article will introduce the 7 careers in biotechnology that are the vanguard of scientific inquiry. Further research can be done into the educational requirements and average salaries of these fields.

Biochemists and Biophysicists

Biohemists and biophysicists perform complex scientific tests. A lot of their testing deals with the efficacy of certain drugs, issues concerning DNA, RNA and questions concerning the biological systems of organisms. A doctorate is usually required to fill these two positions.

Biomedical Engineers

Biomedical engineers are the creators in the biotechnology industry. Their very important role is to make products for the medical community such as portable incubators. When making these products, they test them for functionality and safety. In the course of their work, biomedical engineers also work with doctors and scientists to make medical equipment such as prostheses, MRIs and CAT scans.


Epidemiologists study the process by which diseases are created. They are also heavily involved in matters of public health issues such as HIV prevention and spreading awareness about the importance of getting flu vaccines. 

Epidemiologists conduct experiments, surveys and interviews related to their area of expertise. They are also highly trained in the art of observation as a large part of their job entails looking at the patterns of human and animal behaviors.


Microbiologists are involved in the classification of human, plant and water organisms. This exhaustive process is started to study the possible effects of these organisms when combined with drugs. To become a microbiologist, one usually needs a doctorate from a research university.

Research and Development Process Development Scientists

These biotechnology workers are heavily involved in lab manufacturing activities. They’re the ones supervising lab technicians during the course of the day.

Bioproduction Operators

These are the hands on people in the biotechnology industry. Not only do they operate machinery, but they are involved in all aspects of shipping, handling and the packing of biomedical supplies.

Medical Scientists

Medical scientists research biological systems in order to study diseases. To become a medical scientist, a M.D/PhD from a medical school is required.

Even though entering some of these fields may require a lot of schooling (and the money to pay for it); the excitement that will come from working in a fast paced industry that’s making great strides may be worth it. 

More research into what a job in the biotechnology field entails will be needed before making a decision. However, a job in this industry has many rewards for those who decide to enter into its fray.

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