How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Plastic

Plastic pollution

Plastic has become such a big part of modern life that it is hard to realize how many products that we use everyday that contain it. Many people are shocked to learn that plastic is manufactured from petroleum products. 

Awareness is on the rise of the devastating environmental impact of plastic, and the importance of reducing the amount of plastic used and thrown away every day.

Plastic bottles, bags, and other containers constitute a large percentage of the waste added to landfills every day. It takes thousands of years for plastics to break down.

By reducing the amount of disposable plastic used, switching to reusable containers whenever possible, and recycling the rest, consumers can begin to reverse the tide. Here are some steps that can help.

* Opt not to buy individually packaged products, but to buy in bulk instead. You will find plenty of stores that offer this option. Besides the benefit to going green, this approach can save money, too.

* Invest in a water bottle that is stainless steel. You can get a water filter in your home or office and refill it lots of times for the price of just a few smaller bottles of water.

* If you feel the need to buy bottled water, buy in larger bottles, such as one, two, or five gallon jugs, rather than a case of pint bottles. Many stores now have refilling stations where you can bring your own container to refill at a fraction of the cost of buying a pre filled jug.

* Find other products to use instead of plastic wrap and bags for food storage. Wax paper is quite a bit cheaper and works great for many things you need to do. Containers that reseal are more economical and can be used over and over for many years.

*Bring your own reusable bags with you to the grocery store instead of bringing home groceries in plastic bags. You will always have them with you when you need them if you put them back in the car as soon as you empty them. Some grocery stores even offer a discount to shoppers who provide their own bags.

By putting into practice these simple steps, all of us can do our part to reduce the damage we do to our earth. We can feel pride in the knowledge that our world is a better place because we did our part.

From recyclable processing to secure document destruction, Greenstar Recycling can take on your recycling in Houston projects and get the job done.

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